The week started off with a light dust of sand over the greens, staff have also sprayed ethephon for seed suppression in the Poa Annua as staff noticed it was rising its head late last week. This was combined with a monthly fungicide application and a green pigment. The 7th waste pile was burnt down by the volunteers. The verti drain machine has continued to aerate the worse spots on course while it has been unusually dry. Staff have also sprayed bunkers for weeds and trimmed majority of sprinkler heads over the course. Rabbits are about to go through another breeding cycle, and we will be starting to trial some biological controls to reduce numbers.
We pass out thanks onto Alan Dunne for the past years of leading the Volunteer course group as he has just stepped away from the role. If any members would like to be involved with some of the course maintenance volunteering, please contact the office and pass on your details.